Who We Are
InterSchool Christian Fellowship (ISCF) first started in the Cayman Islands in 2013.
There are currently six secondary schools that are a part of the movement. These schools include:
- John Gray High School
- Clifton Hunter High School
- Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC)
- Triple C School
- Cayman Prep & High School, and
- Layman Scott High School in Cayman Brac
While the groups go by various names, each of them cater to the particulars of their school culture, and they are united by the core distinctives and doctrinal basis of IS/IVCF.
To be part of an IS/IVCF chapter is to be part a national, regional, and global family.
In the Caribbean alone, there are 17 national movements, and around the world there is a representative national movement in over 160 different countries, serving over 500,000 students. This global body is called the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.